Tuesday, October 4, 2011

David Wright on Mets future

"I think there’s a lot of optimism moving forward. We had some young players come up this year and really make a name for themselves. I think that you like the feeling that’s in this clubhouse every day because you do have younger players that are bringing that energy, that want to go out there and prove something. That’s obviously the right attitude to have. Everybody in here, including myself, is looking forward to some rest. But pretty soon it’ll be exciting, get ready to go down to Port St. Lucie. We’re taking strides in the right direction, and I’m excited to see where this thing goes.” - David Wright on his future

Time and time again Wright shows how classy he is when it comes to the New York Mets. Obviously their has been speculation this season and off-season of a possibility of Wright being traded which makes no sense. To me it makes no sense for the simply fact that he is one of the corner stone players of the franchise. Yes some people might disagree with that about Wright, but who could honestly replace him in the line-up and on the field. In 2011 he battled back problems, make a bunch of errors and do not really hit for the power we are accustom to seeing in him. With the possibility of the walls being moved in this off-season and possibly a 100% season upcoming for David Wright, we might see the old Wright again. So before we decide to just turn our backs on Wright we should really sit and think what if 2012 Wright turns it around, what if he hits 30+ homeruns and bats over .300? These are the things we should take into account before we decide to bash the players who have tried to help this team win.

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