Saturday, October 1, 2011

Johan Santana resumes pitching in Instructional League

Santana pitched Friday in the instructional league in his Fort Myers, Flordia, hometown as he continues to get back from September 14th, 2010 surgery. The surgery was to repair a torn anterior capsule in his left shoulder. New York Mets VP Paul DePodesta believes that Johan's next scheduled instructional-league game with the Mets minor leagues will be next Friday. If Johan comes back healthy, he will be rounded off with R.A Dickey, Dillon Gee, Jon Niese and if tendered Mike Pelfrey would fill out the 2012 starting rotation. The Mets still seem willing to re-sign Chris Capuano and with a healthy Johan, Cap could see a battle between him and Gee for a rotation spot in which the losing pitcher would work out of the bullpen.

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