Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sandy Alderson sees payroll between $100-$110 Million in 2012

Sandy Alderson confirms he see the payroll in the range between $100-$110 millon for the 2012 season. He does not see it at a lower amount. Despite Johan Santana having deferred money, Alderson says the $100-$110M ranger has Johan's full 2012 salary for that year. Sandy also went on to say he feels they can bring back Reyes with their current payroll plan, but he agreed that it removes flexibility for two seasons with David Wright, Jason Bay and Johan Santana here.

With this being said if Alderson were to re-sign Jose Reyes to a 5-6 year deal, would he be able to have the necessary money to get some bullpen help or would he have to venture into trading for maybe a starting pitcher. I believe it possible to do so but why should a $100-$110 payroll be where the team wants it to be, thats the question. The New York Mets are a big market team and simply want to be a small budget market team in some aspect. I do not believe the Mets should throw money at every single BIG name free agent this off-season but why can't the payroll be between say $140-$150? I believe having a payroll to that size gives you a better chance to sign players this off-season, have flexibility and be able to sign in season or trade for players as well. At this point I don't think its reasonable to trade the youth of our farm system to plug in holes that this team has, but I would like Alderson to make a better effort in the sense of trying to get this team back into contention. This well be year number two of the Alderson ERA and so far bringing in players like Chris Capuano, Scott Hairston and Tim Byrdak  to say the least have had nice season. Also with the up-and-coming of rookie starter Dillon Gee, this Mets team can have the potential to be good with the right players.

Terry Collins has been nothing but good in his first year as Mets skipper. He has the fire and energy to boost this team when they need to be. Unfortunately with injuries and poor execution, the team failed once again to reach the post-season for the 5 straight year. Hopefully this off-season, Alderson can provide this team with the needs its lacking and help the New York Mets to contend again.

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