Thursday, September 22, 2011

Redsox Tried To Deal For Capuano

The Redsox apparently were trying to add a quality arms to the rotation and tried to acquire LHP Chris Capuano from the Mets for cash, according to John Tomase of the Boston Herald. Boston has been in a slump this September and has just a 2.5 game lead over the Rays and Angels in the Wild Card Lead. If the deal had gone through between the Mets and Redsox, Capuano would have pitched Sunday against the Yankees.

Capuano has a 4.47 ERA with an 8.0 (K/9) and 2.6 (BB/9) in 175 1/3 innings this season. Even if the deal went through, the Redsox wouldn't be able to use Capuano in the playoffs, they were simply interested in boosting their chances on reaching the postseason with his acquisition.

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