Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MLB Investigates A-Rod Underground Gambling

Alex Rodriguez took part in illegal, underground poker games, one of which reportedly turned violent, and he could face suspension if his participation in the games is confirmed. Major League Baseball has said they are taking this situation very seriously. "We take this very seriously and have been investigating this matter since the initial allegation," MLB said in a statement. "As part of the investigation, the commissioner's office will interview Mr. Rodriguez."

In 2005, Rodriguez had been warned about gambling in underground poker clubs by the Yankees and by baseball commissioner Bud Selig. Both were concerned that possible involvement with gamblers who might be betting on baseball games. Last we know of a player betting on baseball was and should be Hall of Famer Pete Rose.

An MLB executive stated that A-Rod could miss games if the investigation proves he was at the poker games. "We're talking to people involved in the investigation and we're taking this very seriously," he said. "Because he had been warned about this before, I would say a possible suspension would be very much in play."

Regardless if some or many people dislike A-Rod, one has to wonder with all the millions he has, why risk getting hurt with these kind of gamblers. It boggles my mind the fact that someone like A-Rod would disregard the concern from the Yankees organization and the commissioner Bud Selig. Obviously we remember the encounter in 2004 with A-Rod's bush league play against the Red Sox, where he swatted the ball away running to first. But it seems to me and many others that Alex is ok with being the center of attention and thrives off of it. Even when they had the special on ESPN about him taking steroids and him crying on national television. I personal believe A-Rod does not care about the game of baseball with his negligence toward the fans and the organization he plays for.

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